Global Proxy Settings | Entgra Iot Server

Global Proxy Settings

Add policy in Policy description page gives a brief description how a policy is added to an Android device.

This configurations can be used to set a network-independent global HTTP proxy on an Android device. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, all the network traffic will be routed through the proxy server.

This profile requires the agent application to be the device owner.
This proxy is only a recommendation and it is possible that some apps will ignore it.

Data keys of Policy Description
Proxy Configuration Type
Proxy Host Host name/IP address of the proxy server.
Eg:[ ]
Proxy Port Target port for the proxy server.
Eg:[ Target port 0-65535 ]
Proxy Exclusion List Add hostnames to this separated by commas to prevent them from routing through the proxy server. The hostname entries can be wildcards such as *
Eg:[ localhost, *.example .com ]
Proxy PAC File URL URL for the proxy auto config PAC script
Eg: [ ]
Publish a policy in Policy description page gives a brief description how a policy is published.